Audioline 341

The Audioline 341 in my collection was one of my earliest acquisitions. They’re quite popular on the used market and often go for £65+. So when this one popped up for considerably less than that, I grabbed it, expecting it to be in poor condition. However, it arrived in good working order and is pretty tidy too. It is transmitting and receiving very well, with minimum adjustment too. These are great radios based, as they are, around the Uniden mainboard. My set is presently out on loan to a club member who fancied a bit of  80s-style UK FM CB and he sounds great, especially without his usual roger beep!

AUDIOLINE341 alternative pic
Model Details

Brand: – Audioline

Model: – Audioline 341

Serial No: –  2717 2707893

Date of Manufacture: – 198?

Type: – UK 27/81 CB

Date Added to Collection: – ??

Service Status: – Fully Serviced (presently out on loan)

Service Information
Date of most recent service: – 10/1/24

Channel 1 Frequency: – 27.60127MHz

Channel 20 Frequency: – 27.79125MHz

Channel 40 Frequency: – 27.99128MHz

Channel 1 Output Power: – 4w

Channel 20 Output Power: – 4w

Channel 40 Output Power: – 4w

Low Power Output: – 0.4w

RX Amps: – .21A

TX (Full Power) Amps:- .81A

Deviation: – 2.2-2.5KHz

RX 10dB SINAD:- 0.252µv

RX 12dB SINAD: – 0.282µv

RX 20dB SINAD: – 1.12µv

Squelch Set: – OK

RF Meter: – OK

S Meter: – OK

Pots: – OK

Sockets:  – OK

Lamps: – OK

Switches: – OK

PA: – OK

Mic: – OK

Speaker: –OK

Service Documents
Uniden Service